Dr. Paul Standal has 35 years of experience as a psychologist and relationship consultant. Helping to regain your self-esteem, resolve past hurt, distrust and unhealthy conditions of worth is an essential part of creating a satisfying, intimate relationship. Sometimes it is most important to learn to deal with being successfully single again as an important step in establishing healthy, intimate relationships. Learning to regain one’s “voice,” and how to identify what is in your “healthy self-interest,” is a very important step in regaining your sense of self, especially learning how and when to date after a divorce or the termination of a relationship.
Learning to establish a relationship again after a divorce or breakup can be exciting and fulfilling as well as frustrating and risky. Helping you understand what the “red,” “yellow,” and “green” flags are in a relationship, and understanding the values and positive relationship qualities that you want in a mate, may give you the confidence to have the kind of relationship that you deserve. The Internet has changed the way we meet potential mates, becoming an essential means of creating relationship. Because of this, Dr. Standal helps you understand and navigate the promise and challenges in the online dating experience
The challenges of getting back into dating and relationship can be daunting, particularly for mid-career professionals who try to balance personal needs with professional goals. Dr. Standal wants to help you begin to trust yourself again and to let go of the shame or guilt of feelings of failure, while encouraging forgiveness, resolution and becoming open again to bringing passion back into your life in a way that does not compromise your sense of self. Learning to have fun and passion based on friendship, trust and equality in a limited relationship, without creating “castles in the sky,” is part of the mission of Dr. Standal’s work with you. He helps you overcome unhealthy dating practices by encouraging substance-free dating and relating and overcoming addiction to unavailable, untrustworthy or abusive partners. It is important to help you resolve the psychological damage caused by past relationships and establish current, realistic, relational goals in a dating relationship.
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