In therapy, Dr. Paul Standal examines and intervenes in ameliorating low self-esteem and its consequences.
Self-esteem is the subjective value that we place on ourselves in our relationship to the world. It is an internal dialogue that shapes our thoughts and feelings of how we feel about ourselves and how we think others see us. It contributes to our self-confidence, optimism, self-direction, good self-care and trust in ourselves and others. Good self-esteem allows us to have good boundaries and an ability to comfortably express a wide range of feelings. We are able to accommodate our mistakes and limitations and those of others and naturally integrate the principles in How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Much of our low self-esteem is reinforced by our illogical ideas about ourselves that fosters attitudes of negativity towards life where a person lacks confidence in themselves. They feel unworthy, unloved and unable to love, and fear taking risks or being ridiculed. Dr. Standal believes examining the conditions fostering low self-esteem is an essential part of helping his clients feel more self-regard and confident in themselves. He finds it helpful for prospective clients to see the extent that low self-esteem is affecting their lives by completing the Self-Esteem Assessment as a first step in seeking assistance. All of us have a choice between choosing a life filled with positive thinking verses mental misery
Clients with a low sense of self-worth have difficulty with expressing feelings and have a natural mistrust of themselves and others. They are often controlling and perfectionistic. We encourage our clients to begin the process of enhancing and repair of self-esteem by following the “Twelve Valuable Steps to Raise Your Self Esteem.”
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