Addiction to a substance or behavior is complex affecting the addictive person and everyone around them. We help every individual at their unique state of development, motivation, and readiness for treatment and recovery
Maintaining a course of sobriety requires a change in the way you engage with the world including your feeing’s and behaviors. Recovery is a journey, where the goal is mastery over an obsessive compulsion to use substances or behave in self destructive ways. Like taking a plane from LA to New York, we must constantly adjust our course and route to reach our destination. In fact we are off course 99 percent of the time on our journey, but like an aircraft we have an internal guidance system that is constantly adjusting to the proper course.
If the aircraft has a flaw in its navigation system, instead of reaching New York it finds itself over Miami.
Addictions act like a virus in our navigation system. In a relapse we are often unable to determine where we are or where we got off course. Because Alcoholics Anonymous has a history of real success in helping addicts remain sober and in recovery I have included AA Aphorisms for Recovery. Many of them may seem trite or not applicable to your situation, but I have included them because any one of them might be helpful to you and act like a navigation beacons that can help you stay on course to reach you goal of mastery.
I have also included more general Positive Affirmations for Recovery to counter some of the negative self attributions and conditions of worth that often fuel addiction.
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