We have thirty years of experience in family and relationship therapy. We teach healthy parenting skills especially with difficult adolescents and young adults. We help families deal with addiction as well as depression and anxiety that affect the family system
Adolescents are plagued with a sense of self-doubt, insecurity about their identity and hostility towards authority. Their internal conflicts often turn into family crises fostering depression, oppositional or defiant behaviors and even violence and suicidal ideation. Adolescents are in the process of separating from the family of origin and individuating to become their own person. They are in a time of exploration and experimentation activated through stimulation seeking behaviors. Acceptance into a peer group with its prescribed stimulation provides adolescents with a sense of positive regard, belonging and a context for their experimentation. Adolescent drug and alcohol use is reinforced by these needs; reflected in the values of their peer group. Helping adolescents recognize and build self-worth and self-esteem is an important goal for family therapy with adolescents.
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