Addiction to a substance or behavior is complex affecting the addictive person and everyone around them. We help every individual at their unique state of development, motivation, and readiness for treatment and recovery
1. Deliver any undelivered or incomplete communications, including:
a. Letters to be written
b. Acknowledgments to others
c. Acknowledgments to self
d. Communicate upsets
e. Confront broken promises
f. Resolve untruths or misunderstandings
g. Release anything hidden or held secret.
2. Resolve any broken agreements.
3. Take care of any disorder in your space – Clean it up, leave it, or get rid of it.
4. Clean your living space, totally.
5. Clean your car thoroughly.
6. Clean out your purse and/or wallet.
7. Clean your office space. Complete any unfinished cycles on your desk.
8. Clean out and organize your personal files.
9. Fix or get rid of anything that does not work.
Throw or give away what you don’t use or wear.
10. Balance your checkbook.
11. Pay your bills or make arrangements with creditors.
12. Organize your financial records.
13. Bring tax information up to date, prepare tax returns and pay any taxes due.
14. Collect (or pay) any money owed.
15. Return anything borrowed and get back item(s) loaned to others.
16. Handle any outstanding difficulties with legal or social institutions, such as traffic tickets, etc.
17. Review your primary relationships. Establish, or re-establish as necessary, agreements and ground rules which are mutually supportive.
Handle or prepare a plan to deal
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